I’m going home! ish.
This will be a short one just for the sake of the update. I was just offered a position at a mental health clinic in Midtown Manhattan, running their social media and creating content for their YouTube channel amongst other things. After careful consideration of the offer benefits, as well as my own personal goals and hesitance in leaving the folks at my current job — that have been nothing short of fantastic since I started here — I have decided to take the job. As many of you know, mental health is a topic near and dear to my heart. I can’t think of a better fit at this point in my life. I won’t be giving up my apartment, and will be back for classes in mid-January.
Because the position is remote, I GET TO GO HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Normally this is not a big deal for many people, but these days you have to test negative three days before entering the state of New York, provide a negative test four days after entering, and then enter a 14 day quarantine period (off from work), which makes going home near impossible, and flying my family out here difficult. I have no lengthy post for this one — mostly because I’m at a loss for words for the fact that hard work is actually paying off.
I do want to take a second to thank my partner in crime, for helping me with the patience to go through the 85 rounds of interviews I went through for this job, for keeping me focused on the bigger picture, and for still answering my phone calls after all these years. Nene, you’re the glue that holds me together & I love you for it.
I’ll be in Miami for Thanksgiving, the rest of the holidays, and into mid-January, so HMU! Grateful is an understatement. Nalita I’m coming.