Resumes, Looking Back/Forward, Popcorn…Buckets & Halloween
The biggest part of my job is undoubtedly checking students into our study spaces, so when there are few reservations, things are inevitably slow. I’ve consumed just about every interesting piece of content on Netflix, and refuse to start season 6 of Schitt’s Creek out of sheer fear of the knowledge that there is no seventh season.
With some extra time on my hands, I decided to update my resume. I try to redo it at least once a year, and we were coming up on that mark. I cannot recommend Canva enough — pretty much every basic functionality you could want without the intricacies and headaches of Photoshop. I think I might actually have shed a tear taking my fraternity off my resume, for the sole reason that, with this new job, I was officially out of space. I’m redesigning resumes for friends in my spare time, so if you need help shoot me a message. Check out the final product below.
The resume update is the latest phase in my crusade to Get It Together, after a year of feeling absolutely lost. Like…literally lost. I couldn’t figure out for the life of me if I wanted to be in Miami, Gainesville or Siberia for all I knew. I was two semesters into a program I wasn’t even sure I wanted to be in, didn’t have a shred of a handle on my mental health, and didn’t have a reason to believe in myself at all. Moving to New York is probably the best thing to happen to me in a while — it forced me to sit down and have a long conversation with myself about what I wanted my life to look like, all other factors aside, for the first time in a very long time. The conversation didn’t last too long honestly, I feel like I’ve known the basics of what I wanted (marriage, kids, the picket fence house) for my entire life. The missing piece was my career. I wanted something where I could help people, and see the difference that I was making on a more direct basis. So I now have an Excel sheet on my desktop, with five years worth of moves I want to make to get to where I want to be. I start school again in January.
I spent so much time looking back at all the things I could have done better, that I never bothered to look forward. And while I’ve self-corrected, I don’t want to forget where I came from either. I had some extra time after a meeting yesterday, so I decided to hop on one of my fraternity’s fellowship Zoom calls — where I met a bunch of pledges whose existence made me feel old as hell. They taught me how to play something called…Among Us? where these tiny little creatures in different colors run around completing tasks while an “impostor” kills people, and then you have to somehow figure out who the impostor is via discussions about who looks the most suspicious. It’s both terrifying and exhilarating, but my heart grew another 80 sizes because I HAVE ANOTHER GRANDLITTLE. This continues to be one of my more rewarding decisions in college.
Fun note about the meeting I was on: the woman asked me about the Millenium Falcon you see hung up on the wall behind me, at which point I told her it was a popcorn bucket purchased for way too much money at Walt Disney World in Florida. “A popcorn…bucket?” I then proceeded to give her a five minute demonstration on how the lid opens up to a crevice where you insert the popcorn. I can’t tell if she was more intrigued by the concept of a popcorn bucket, the concept of a themed popcorn bucket, or the fact that I had actually purchased this item and hung it up as a decoration in my room. Either way, I stand by this purchase wholeheartedly and am glad the computer was positioned AWAY from the Star Wars action figures and the cork board of Disney-related pins.
Re: Halloween. I honestly didn’t think I’d have any plans this year given, you know, the literal world being on fire, but as it turns out I have not one (1) but two (2)!!! of my best friends flying into New York for the weekend. This means I pretty much have to move into my new apartment before they both get here the 29th, but I might actually pee my pants from excitement. They’re flying into separate airports, one in a completely different state, at pretty much the exact same time because flying into the same airport would just be too easy. We have a third friend from high school driving in from upstate New York. This is already chaos.
Happy Halloween everyone!